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Little Eaton Primary School

Participation Responsibility Independence Determination Excellence
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Little Eaton Primary School

Participation Responsibility Independence Determination Excellence

Welcome to our school - full of happy, hard-working children and teachers. We want every child to participate fully, respect other people, be independent and determined in achieving excellence.

Year 2

SeeSaw Learning Platform


What is Seesaw?

  • Seesaw is an app that allows teachers to assign learning activities to children. It also allows children the opportunity to share their learning with their teacher for feedback and acknowledgement. We think this will be very helpful to families who are engaged in distance learning.

How will this be set up?

  • Parents will download the Seesaw app or login through a website (TIP: access is easier on a tablet or laptop where possible).
  • Please note that by setting up this App you will automatically be giving permission for the school to use this App with your child.
  • Each child will receive a unique home learning code which provides your child access to their class. This will be texted to you later today. You don’t need to do anything until you receive this information.
  • Please note that each child will receive a unique code and they will not be able to see each other's online journal unless the teachers allows it to be shared. 

How will learning activities be shared?

  • Teachers will share a suggested programme of work through the Seesaw app. 

When will the work be shared?

  • Teachers will upload the work for the following day the evening before. 

How will children share their completed work?

  • Children will be instructed to share completed tasks via photo, video, uploading documents etc. (instructions will be included in the app)

Will children need a laptop?

  • Seesaw can be downloaded onto a device such as a phone or tablet or alternatively you can login online on a laptop or computer. 

When can my child expect feedback from their teacher?

  • Teachers will provide acknowledgement of completed learning tasks or feedback during the week. Where tasks are uploaded on a Friday, feedback may not be provided until the following week.

What if I’m having difficulty with the app?

  • If you require support please feel free to email and a member of staff will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

What if my child can only complete some activities and doesn’t get to do all the work each day?

  • All the activities are optional and are only suggestions. If you download the app and your child completes only some tasks, this will still be great and keep them engaged and motivated in their learning. If not we totally understand that there could be several possible valid reasons why you have not engaged (lack of time, parents working, parents working from home, lack of suitable devices, somebody is ill etc.)
  • Miss Treddenick will produce a weekly overview each week identifying areas to prioritise.


Just to mention again, you won’t need to do anything until you receive the text with your Seesaw code and login instructions. If you don’t receive the code by 1pm Wednesday, 13th January please email 



An information video can be found at:


If you have a child starting school in September 2024, please contact the office for a tour of the school 01332 831471
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