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Little Eaton Primary School

Participation Responsibility Independence Determination Excellence
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Little Eaton Primary School

Participation Responsibility Independence Determination Excellence

Welcome to our school - full of happy, hard-working children and teachers. We want every child to participate fully, respect other people, be independent and determined in achieving excellence.

School Development Plan



2023 – 2024



We have recently reviewed our School Improvement Plan (SIP) in order to ensure continued & sustained improvement at Little Eaton Primary School. The new SIP, which is officially launched in September, builds on previous progress that the school had made since its Ofsted inspection in 2022


Evidence tells us that our Core Priorities for 2023/2024 are:



  • Prioritise the needs of vulnerable learners including disadvantaged pupils.
  • Raise levels of attainment and progress across the school in writing and maths
  • Embed our curriculum (knowledge progression and assessment)
  • Build resilience in our children and move our RSE programme from compliant to quality
  • Build aspiration through the development of STEM in the school







Key area

SIP Provisional priorities 2023/2024

Why has this priority been identified?

Where will you seek further school improvement support from?

The quality of education

Continue to focus upon Outstanding practice across the whole curriculum, especially writing and maths

Prioritise the needs of vulnerable learners including disadvantaged pupils in reading, writing and maths

Complete phase 2 of maths hub work

Levels of attainment and progress at KS2 in maths and writing are closing but still do not maths for Exp+ or Greater Depth


This is an extension of the previous year’s successful priority.

Maths hub training

Lesson study

Talk 4 Writing training – external and internal 

Behaviour and Attitudes & Safeguarding

Build aspiration through the development of STEM in the school

Science has been developed well over the last few years and this will be extended across D&T, Engineering, Technology & maths to ensure that our wider curriculum matches our core.

Enthuse STEM hub and Cluster

Personal development

Growth mindset to improve resilience.

The school has worked hard embedding self-regulation strategies across the school and seeks to build up pupils’ resilience.

External provider

Leadership and management

Ensure that new teaching staff members are quickly teaching at a good/outstanding level within term 1 and using the school’s developed curriculum and progress steps.

We have 4 new teachers joining the school in September.

To be determined


To focus on early writing and fully embed the new phonics scheme.

Ensure that children transition into Reception and feel safe and secure.

To ensure that children have a successful transition from to Year 1.

Ensure new staff have CPD and are fully briefed in the EYFS curriculum and ethos.

To continue to inform and involve Parents/Carers in their child’s learning journey.


To continue with high levels of communication, language and literacy levels (GLD)

Children with specific learning needs are joining reception.

As above.

New staff are joining the EYFS team.

This has been a success in helping children achieve their best.

Local cluster work


Work with external provider where required

We are offering a guided tour of the school on the 22nd of October, the 12th of November and the 10th of December at 10.00 am. To book a place, please contact the school office ( or 01332 831471)
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