Welcome to our school - full of happy, hard-working children and teachers. We want every child to participate fully, respect other people, be independent and determined in achieving excellence.
Welcome to Snow Leopards Class!
September 2023
Welcome to the Sensational Snow Leopards class
The adults working with our class will be Mrs Lloyd, Mrs Askew, Mrs Butler, Miss Warren and Mrs Symington. We all look forward to working with you over the year.
Our learning in September and October:
Our main topic this term will be ‘ourselves’. During this half term we will be exploring our school and local
area. We will be following maps as well as creating our own. The children will be exploring the village during a village walk to help them with their map reading skills. Throughout this half term we will also be looking at the human body and exploring our senses through practical activities. Our Design and Technology session will be looking into what makes a healthy meal and how we can get the different food groups in our diet. We will be making our very own dips and evaluating the end product.
During this half term we will be exploring a number of texts including ‘ We’re going on a Bear Hunt and
Pumpkin Soup’. The focus will be on story structure and basic sentence writing. We will have a big focus on the use of capital letter, full stops and finger spaces as well as correct letter formation.
In maths we will be focusing on place value and ordering numbers to 10. We will also be working on using these numbers to perform simple equations. During our mental maths we will be focusing on finding one more and one less than a number between 1 and 10.
Supporting learning at home:
Reading is really important for all children, it is advised to try and read 5-10 minutes everyday, this may mean
reading a book more than once. It is important to fill in the reading diary so that we know how your child is
getting on at home. In year 1 we will be learning a set of new phonic sounds, these will be sent through
Tapestry once we have covered them in school. In the front of the reading diaries you will find your child’s
Numbots login. It would be great if your child could access this at home as it will support them with the maths
we are doing in school.
Useful information:
PE: Every child needs PE kit at school every day - arrangements do change so please make sure kit is here all
the time. As the weather gets colder, we will still go outside so some warm trousers and a hooded jacket is
Coats: Please make sure your child brings a coat so we can go outside!
Clothing: Please make sure that EVERYTHING is named! If it isn’t, we will not be able to return it to the correct
If you have any questions, please either message me on Tapestry or come and see me after school. Tapestry may not be viewed until the end of the school day, if you have an urgent message or there is a change in the adult collecting your child that day, then please speak to me in person or contact the office.
Mrs Lloyd