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Little Eaton Primary School

Participation Responsibility Independence Determination Excellence
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Little Eaton Primary School

Participation Responsibility Independence Determination Excellence

Welcome to our school - full of happy, hard-working children and teachers. We want every child to participate fully, respect other people, be independent and determined in achieving excellence.

Fundraising Group



 Thursday 14th July

Infant Disco (3:45pm - 4:45pm) - £3.50
Teachers will bring the disco-goers down to the hall without help from parents once the other children have left.  Children to be collected from school by entering via the school office door where teachers will release them.
Drink and snack included in the price

Junior Disco (5pm -  6pm) £3.50
Children to wait outside the main school office door entrance and wait to be allowed in.  Children are allowed to bring £2 max to spend at the tuckshop
Drink included - tuckshop available to purchase sweets and snacks

Register your child's place at the Disco using the form below.


Please arrange a bank transfer to pay for your child(s) please at the Summer Disco and ensure you mark the payment references as "Disco"

Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 65519510
Account Name: Little Eaton PTA

Newsletter October 2021

Newsletter September 2021

Welcome to our Fundraising Group page.

We support our school by raising extra money for equipment and by running events for children and parents to bring the school community together.

We are always pleased to have offers of help with our events!


Father's Day Sale

Thursday 17th June, All gifts are £3.50
Please complete the form, we won't be able to accept cash on the day.
You can complete one form per family if you have more than one child at school.
Please follow the link to pre-order:,1,bfth8FiwTM3XlHSadl2OWkNe3r44sGgidROvnzNu5YUTcjkSCZo23KSb3aVLRaYSe4apJcq6X0xVdh9YI8a5CLkAIrns1Sgw5AskNmk-o7ih1gkxkiYKZlNTo5o,&typo=1

Deadline 9th June




Little Eaton Fundraising Group Invite you to attend the AGM


The next AGM for Little Eaton Fundraising Group is Tuesday 10th November 2020 at 7pm via a Zoom Virtual Call. Everyone is welcome and your attendance will be greatly appreciated as this is your way to stay informed and get involved. If you would like to attend please register your attendance via the link below and the Zoom login details will be emailed to you nearer the time.

To get involved, please contact Paula Rowlinson

Phone: 0790 4407488



Derby Schools


So many of you will have seen the news and the devastation caused at the schools in Derby. We would love to show our support in gathering any books you may have at home that we could donate. A box will be placed outside the front of the school on Thursday and Friday this week until next Wednesday 14th October for any books to be placed in. 💜


Event Information

If you have a child starting school in September 2024, please contact the office for a tour of the school 01332 831471
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