Welcome to our school - full of happy, hard-working children and teachers. We want every child to participate fully, respect other people, be independent and determined in achieving excellence.
Should you feel that your issue is urgent you should call 999 or you can contact Derbyshire Safeguarding Children's board
- 01629533190 www.derbyshirescb.org.uk
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mr. P Schumann
To contact DSL out of office hours, during the weekend or holidays please use the email: headteacher@littleeaton.derbyshire.sch.uk
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss J Stevenson
Safeguarding and Equality Governor: Lee Drew & Carolyn Burke
Tel: 01332 831471
If neither Mr. Schumann, Miss Stevenson are on site, you can telephone
Mrs. Fletcher (Headteacher at Curzon CofE Primary) to discuss your concern:
01332 550172
Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership website
Look at the safeguarding page for more information
We believe that safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility and everyone's business.
All children are special and we work hard to provide an accessible and stimulating environment which cares for the diverse needs of all our children.
We will do everything we can to protect our children.
In cases where the school has reason to be concerned about a child we may consult with the family or involve other agencies, such as Social Care, as appropriate. The school will not first inform parents of concerns in cases where a child’s safety may be compromised by doing so.
If you have any worries or concerns about the safety of your children, or you think that it might be helpful to talk to someone in private about any issues, you are always welcome to come and see us for a chat and to share ideas or information.
Most families have experienced upheaval in their daily lives during the pandemic. With children and young people now back at school or college, the new Public Health England (PHE) Better Health – Every Mind Matters campaign provides NHS-endorsed tips and advice to help children and young people’s mental wellbeing, and equip parents and carers with the knowledge to support them.
The new advice available on the Every Mind Matters website has been developed in partnership with leading children and young people’s mental health charities, including Young Minds, The Mix, Place2Be and The Anna Freud Centre. It is designed to help parents and carers spot the signs that children may be struggling with their mental health and support them, and also provides advice that can help maintain good mental wellbeing. The site also provides tools to help young people build resilience and equips them to look after their mental wellbeing.
Our Early Help Offer
What is Early Help?
Early Help means providing help for children, young people and families as soon as problems start to emerge or where it is likely that issues will impact negatively on children’s outcomes.
Early Help…
Derbyshire Council recognises that Early Help is a term that describes much of the everyday work of schools.
Early Help in Derbyshire
The vision of all partner organisations working with children and families in Derbyshire is to improve children’s lives by working in partnership to raise aspirations, build achievement and protect the most vulnerable.
This is based on the belief that:
Early Help services should support and strengthen families so that they can thrive.
The Role of Schools
Day to Day Support
Most families, most of the time, can get on with their lives quite happily with little or no outside help. If they need help it is usually provided by universal services, such as schools.
Focused Pastoral Support
All families can have times, however, when difficulties arise and they either may not recognise it or may not know how to start putting things right. Schools play a role in supporting families to address these difficulties through more focused pastoral support, which might include bringing in support via an external agency.
Early Help Assessment
For those children and families whose needs and circumstances make them more vulnerable, or where schools need the support of other agencies to meet the needs of the family, a coordinated multi-agency approach is usually best. In Derbyshire, this is achieved through undertaking an Early Help Assessment and assigning a Lead Practitioner to work closely with the family to ensure they receive the support they require. Schools should be a key partner in any multi-agency work to support families
The following four commitments are the core elements to Little Eaton Primary School’s Early Help Offer.
By implementing these commitments Little Eaton Primary School aims to ensure:
Request for Early Help can be made by speaking to a member of staff, through the school office or by following the links below.
Derbyshire County Council
Derby and Derbyshire Emotional and Health Website.
Please explore the link below should you have concerns regarding your own or someone you know.
Click Here