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Little Eaton Primary School

Participation Responsibility Independence Determination Excellence
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Little Eaton Primary School

Participation Responsibility Independence Determination Excellence

Welcome to our school - full of happy, hard-working children and teachers. We want every child to participate fully, respect other people, be independent and determined in achieving excellence.

School Day

It is very important that children arrive on time for school.


We open the gates at 8.40am and children go straight to their classrooms in the juniors and the top playground for infants. At 8.50am the infant teachers will ring the bell for the children to line up, and parents can then leave.


When they go to their classrooms, lessons start straight away so any child arriving after the register is done is missing out on learning, even if they are only a few minutes late.


Lunch is from 12  until 1.15pm.


School ends at 3.25pm for the Infants and 3.30pm for the Juniors.


At the end of school, parents collect children from the playground nearest their classroom.


Children are told that if the person they are expecting to collect them is not there, they should return to their teacher or to the office.


Children in the lower parts of the school are only released when staff can see a known adult whom they are expecting. Do not be surprised if occasionally you are asked to identify yourself - especially if you are not

the regular face in the playground.


If you change your arrangements for collecting your child in the infants, please let their teacher know.


If you are held up arriving at school at home time, please ring and tell us so that we can ensure that your child is safe - 01332 831471


We know that some children as they grow older do walk home on their own. This is a decision made by parents, who are responsible for their child's safety. If your child does this, please make sure that they are clear about road crossing etc and that they know what to do if they reach home and they cannot get in. Remember that it gets dark around home time in the middle of winter.


We have cycle racks for children coming on bikes and scooters. Any child cycling to school MUST wear a helmet and we would recommend that children on scooters do too.

If you would like to view school, please contact the school office ( or 01332 831471)
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