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Little Eaton Primary School

Participation Responsibility Independence Determination Excellence
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Little Eaton Primary School

Participation Responsibility Independence Determination Excellence

Welcome to our school - full of happy, hard-working children and teachers. We want every child to participate fully, respect other people, be independent and determined in achieving excellence.

English Tasks

Capital letters and full stops

Common exception words

Spring 1 (January and February 2022)

This half term our focus text is Cinderella. We are identifying the characters within the text and thinking of adjectives to describe each one. We have made puppets using wooden spoons and will then be acting out the story in small groups. After this, we are going to change the characters within the story, as well as thinking of an alternative 'problem' which will lead to discussions regarding how this problem will be resolved. The ending will remain the same... 'and they live happily ever after'!

November-December 2021

This half term we are reading the Traditional Tale 'The Magic Porridge Pot'.

Listen to the youtube video of the story (link attached in word document).

Our first task in school will be to write instructions on how to make porridge. I have enclosed the instructions which we will be using. Have a go at making a bowl of porridge with your adult. After that, can you write your own set of instructions on how to make porridge? I have attached a link for a BBC Bitesize clip on how to write instructions. Remember your finger spaces, capital letters and full stops!

After writing instructions, we will be sequencing the story into order as a method of gaining an understanding of story structure. Have a look at the opening and ending of the story and then use your story knowledge to piece together the middle section.  

The Somethingosaur September-October 2021

A read-aloud of the children's story by Tony Mitton. Read by Lisa NazimFair Use of Copyrighted Written Works, for Educational PurposesAs a retired Early Chil...

September - October 2021

We are learning to recall information from the book The Somethingosaur by Tony Mitton. I have an enclosed a video link of the story being read. The activity pack enclosed can be used as a useful tool for children to recreate their own dinosaur story. When writing please concentrate on capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.



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