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Little Eaton Primary School

Participation Responsibility Independence Determination Excellence
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Little Eaton Primary School

Participation Responsibility Independence Determination Excellence

Welcome to our school - full of happy, hard-working children and teachers. We want every child to participate fully, respect other people, be independent and determined in achieving excellence.

Lion (Year 2)

Year 2 Newsletter for Spring 1

Year 2 Newsletter

Autumn 1

Our learning this half term:

Our main theme this half term is ‘Where We Live’. We will be locating the countries of the United Kingdom on maps, as well as learning about the surrounding seas, capital cities, famous landmarks and people. This is a fantastic topic as it allows us to cover many aspects of the curriculum.


In English, we will be focusing on the skills we need to retell a story based on the text Elf Road, and how to write our very own descriptive narrative. We will be learning how to use full stops, capital letters and exclamation marks correctly, as well as learning how to make our writing more interesting through the use of adjectives and conjunctions.


The focus in maths this half term is place value, addition and subtraction. Place value refers to the value of each digit in a number. For example, 23 has two ‘places’ or columns, each with a specific value. The 3 is the ‘ones’ column and the 2 is in the ‘tens’ column. Understanding the value of each digit can be quite abstract to children so we practice representing the values of each digit in a variety of more visual ways. Once the children have a good understanding of this, we will then apply these skills to addition and subtraction where we will work towards adding and subtracting two 2-digit numbers.



Supporting learning at home



Every child needs to read for at least 15 minutes every day and to talk to an adult about what they have read. Please fill in their reading diary to record their reading each week. Children must make sure that they bring their diary and reading books to school every day as we often use them. It is also really important at this age that you find the time to read stories to your child to help them develop a pleasure for reading and a love for books.


There is no requirement to learn weekly spellings at home as we will be covering them as a class in school. If you do wish to do additional practice at home, or would like to be aware of the spellings we’re focusing on, you can find them listed below:

Week 1 – Common Exception words (these can be found in their reading diary)

Week 2 - ‘y’ saying /igh/ (by, try, dry, sky, fly, sly, spy, reply)

Week 3 - ‘dge’ and ‘ge’ saying /j/ (edge, hedge, badge, bridge, change, large, orange, challenge)

Week 4 - ‘adding -es to words ending -y’ (flies, spies, babies, teddies, carries, hurries, replies, cries)

Week 5 - ‘gn’ saying /n/ (gnome, sign, gnaw, gnat, design, gnarl, gnash)

Week 6 - ‘kn’ saying /n/ (knight, knee, knot, knife, knock, know, knapsack, knowledge)

Week 7 - Adding -ing and -ed to words ending in ‘y’ (copied, copying, worried, worrying, annoying, annoyed, studying, studied)



Each week the children will receive some maths homework. The purpose of this homework is to ensure they develop a deep understanding of number. This will aid their ability to develop efficient strategies to add and subtract mentally. 



Our P.E slot this term will be every Thursday. Please ensure your child brings their kit into school (a white top, navy jumper and navy shorts or joggers). If your child wears earrings, please ensure they are able to take them out and put them back in independently or please leave earrings out on PE days. Those who have recently had them pierced, please provide tape for them to cover them with.                          Please name ALL items sent to school



Forest School:

The children will attend these sessions in groups of 15, taking their turn every other half term.

If your child is in Group A, you will receive more information about these sessions soon.


Please ensure your child brings a named water bottle to school

If you have a child starting school in September 2024, please contact the office for a tour of the school 01332 831471
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